A Social Media Strategy Plan in Full Circle

A Full Circle Social Media Strategy
First off, let me just say that I do not believe that large Corporations need a Social Media Agency. Hiring one person on site or outsourcing to one Virtual Assistant (VA) who specializes in Social Media would save a huge expense.
Creating my social media strategy is a step-by-step process. I start with selling the prospect of Social Media. This is tough for sure, especially if the prospect is leery about social media to begin with. I begin with showing what the prospects’ competitors are doing on Social Media to improve their sales. Everybody wants a Return on Investment (ROI) that includes investing in a Social Media Strategist. I need to know more about the company I am pitching to than they even know about themselves. I identify their target market, then I show the pain as a consumer and what excites their consumers. From there I start to build my strategic plan. Once I land that prospect I then go on to create my content planning system.
Step 1. Creating a Social Media Content Spreadsheet
I know before starting this process everything about my new client. I have done all the research possible to make the above prospect now a new client. My next step is to create a Google Doc spreadsheet and then I add 9 pages. Page one is the Calendar. This is a 50%, 30% & a 20 % formula. 50% business related content. Tips, articles of other’s in your industry that appeal to your audience. Quotes related to your market. 20% are Sales related, this would be your services, programs, blog posts, options etc.. 30% is your personal content. Your audience wants to know that you are human. This would be happenings around the office, events, you are at or going to attend, funny anecdotes. Keep it positive. The next eight pages are Tip, Sales, Quotes, Articles of Others, Blog Posts, Newsletters, General Questions, and Podcast.

Social Media Content Calendar
Step 2. Start Creating Social Media Content To Plug Into The Eight Pages
I then begin compiling the content. I want to have enough for up to two weeks out. This requires web research, collecting all your links for your opt-ins, creating trackable short links of your blog post, articles, videos, newsletters, creating your images to go with your post. For image creation I use a few different formats. I use Canva, Adobe Photoshop Elements 13 and for quotes I use a free service called Quotes Cover. For Facebook ads I create new short links so I can track ad productivity. Facebook Ads are a whole other spreadsheet and will share those secrets in my next post. This would be the time to create those short links for efficiency of time. You are probably asking yourself what about videos. I also work with my clients and their videos. I will have a paragraph below just for video.

Social Media Workbook Pages
Step 3. Time To Post and Schedule Posts on all Social Media Platforms
I start with Facebook. I post directly to Facebook and not through a post scheduling manager due to Facebook’s algorithm. Facebook will push post down if they are posted through a schedule manager. I schedule all morning post for up to two weeks, but I have scheduled for a full month as well. I do this to play with Facebook’s algorithm. When I go back to FB in the afternoon to engage with the audience, I will then post any afternoon content and schedule the evening post daily. Then I get on Hootsuite and schedule all twitter, Google +, Instagram, and LinkedIn post. Keep in mind this is a standard, but I do change things up when my client prefers one social media platform over another or for instance, if my client’s target market is on LinkedIn then we will make that the hub of everything. I tailor my strategy with the client’s target market in mind and where they are the most. Every afternoon I re-visit each platform and engage with the audience, create conversations and build interest in my clients products or services.
Again, this is a 3 step basic strategy, but they have always been tailored to the client’s target market. The key is being well versed on all social media platforms to know what is appropriate for the client.
Now let’s talk about the videos. I do like my clients to take video, some like it more than others. Some are more comfortable with doing it more than others. I however, do not like doing video myself. I do not photograph or video well. I do like my clients who are comfortable to video a message once a week on Periscope and in the title I ask that they use the #Hashtag at the end #Katch. This hashtag catches the video and allows me to login into the clients Katch.me account and edit the video and re-purpose for other social media platforms. If clients prefer to use YouTube and have several subscribers I will usually have the client take the video and then email it to me. I will then edit it and upload it to the YouTube channel. There are several different ways to utilize me and my services.
If you are interested in my services, please visit my website for more information at http://www.lmsassistyou.com. I am available every afternoon from 1pm to 3pm PST for a free consultation Call Me 661-388-0161. You can connect with from my links on the bottom of this page. I also have a free eBook about Hiring and Working with a VA feel free to sign up to receive your free eBook at http://www.lmsassistyou.com/about.
If you are interested in my post don’t forget to subscribe! Next Week is all about Facebook Ads!