21 Week Blogging Challenge

A Blog About A Blog
The year 2015 is quickly coming to an end, and like most of us I have been planning my goals for next year. What are some of your goals? I started this year to blog weekly. This is my third blog post in a row. I want to remain on this path. I am planning a blogging challenge with some of my colleagues and friends. I tried this last year and failed miserably. I want 2016 to be different. I want to get to know everyone who accepts and joins this challenge. This will be a 21 week challenge. The hope is that after joining the challenge, after 21 weeks we will all be able to continue on blogging every week without writer’s block or a blank stare at our computer screens. So what do you say? Who is in this with me?
Here is a list of topics:
Week 1: Your goal for 2016
Week 2: Twenty Facts About You
Week 3: Reflection of 2015
Week 4: What are you afraid of
Week 5: A special skill or talent
Week 6: How do you want to help others
Week 7: What is your proudest moment
Week 8: What are your 5 current goals
Week 9: Who is your ideal client
Week 10: A mistake you have learned from
Week 11: Favorite tool to complete your job

Favorite Technology Tools
Week 12: Most exciting thing you’ve done
Week 13: Your worst client experience
Week 14: What makes you happy
Week 15: Three healthy habits you practice in business
Week 16: A large obstacle in 2015
Week 17: Healthy ways you deal with stress
Week 18: Where will you be in 5 years
Week 19: Who inspires you and why
Week 20: A new habit you will form in 2016
Week 21: Your 2016 Declaration of Success
Here’s the rules: Write and post a blog every week based on the topics above. Keep it clean. This should be real easy now that the topics are right here in front of you. Have fun with it! Post photos, quotes, funny anecdotes. I will be doing the same. Once you post your blog paste a link to it in my comments box. That way I can comment back. The goal is to get more exposure and more content for Google.

Blogging = To Share, To Connect, To Create, To Inspire
In the meantime here are a few of my goals for 2016. Most of you know that I am a Virtual Assistant who’s niche is General Administrative, Social Media, Email Marketing and Blogging. You can read my services here. My goal for 2016 is to build my client base so that I can create a team of Virtual Assistants. If I have 3 virtual assistants under me by the end of 2016 I will be very pleased. Another goal of mine is volunteer in my community more.
Please comment below and let me know that you join me in this challenge! I am really excited about this. For the next few weeks my blog posts will be about my travels coming up. I will be in Tucson, AZ for a week and then in December I will be in Monterey, CA for a week. I will have a lot of photos and fun times.
If you would like to connect with me socially my links are below in the Social Footer!
Don’t forget to subscribe on this page, especially if you are in the blogging challenge. This will allow you to get my post so you can add your link in the comments.